If the pandemic miraculously ended right now, what would you do tonight!?

Jessica Fish
2 min readJan 11, 2021
Photo by Edwin Hooper on Unsplash

Would the sudden end of the pandemic turn back the world to the way we knew it to be? What would be different? What would we appreciate more? What would a post-pandemic world even look like?

COVID-19 has taught us to remember what values most to us. Almost a year after most of the world went into severe lockdown, with second and third wave infections still on the rise, we certainly haven’t forgotten the way things used to be.

I saw a post on TikTok the other evening where a user asked his viewers; “If the pandemic miraculously ended right now, what would you do tonight!?”

Immediately a flurry of thoughts filled my mind. I didn’t know which I wanted to do more, but the long list of things that I had missed out on was already written out in my mind!

In all likelihood I would run around and just hug all my friends. After that attend all the weddings I missed. Perhaps have a big party in the street. See how many people I could fit into one room. But I’d also probably jump on the first plane I could and just go!

While this pandemic has truly made us value everything that we do have, it can’t help but remind us of everything that we have lost.

If the pandemic did somehow end right now, what would be the first thing that you would do?

Dear Reader, you may be interested to hear that I have issued myself with a challenge, the ‘January Writing Challenge’. I’ve tasked myself with writing and publishing one new article to Medium every day for the entire month of January. Follow along for more stories and adventures as we see what the first month of 2021 has to offer us!



Jessica Fish

Ginger with too much sass and not enough coffee. Christian Living, Adventures about Adulting, and Travel Tales. #QuarterLifeCrisis