23 & Me

Jessica Fish
2 min readAug 22, 2020

Things I have learnt about life so far…

Since I have recently aged up, an ancient 23 year old now, here are twenty three things I have learnt about life so far:

1) Twenty three is old!!

2) Cake for breakfast is always a good idea

3) People will never change unless they actually want to

4) Don’t spend too much time trying to resuscitate dead situations

5) You’re never too old to take naps

6) Find your people. Then don’t let go

7) Life is too short to drink bad coffee

8) Waking up for the sunrise is always worth it

9) It’s always better to stay in bed with a book when it rains

10) You don’t get less clumsy as you get older

11) Mermaids are amazing

12) Family is life’s greatest gift

13) Every small success should be celebrated

14) Find a hobby that allows you to escape the madness of the world

15) Breakfast for dinner is waaay too underrated

16) Adulting doesn’t get easier

17) Being a ginger is fabulous

18) Midnight McDonald’s trips are always a good idea

19) Travel in your twenties

20) Don’t be afraid to change the Prince’s name in your story

21) Pineapple does not belong on pizza

22) It’s okay if all you do in a day is survive

23) Don’t let anyone who doesn’t like avocado tell you anything about life



Jessica Fish

Ginger with too much sass and not enough coffee. Christian Living, Adventures about Adulting, and Travel Tales. #QuarterLifeCrisis